Saturday |
Live Greek Music: Mythos Performs All Day at the Bandstand in the Plaka
All performances, except those noted are on the Plaka
All performances, except those noted are on the Plaka
Time |
Event |
Noon |
Opening Ceremonies |
12:30 |
Cooking Demonstration with Helene Nemchik - Amphitheater |
1:00 |
Andy Z Performs - Amphitheater |
1:15 |
LEVENDIA Dance Group |
1:30 |
ASTERIA Dance Group |
2:00 |
Church Tour - Meet at the Church Entrance |
2:00 |
Festival Play: The Great Huntress Atalanta and Her Many Suitors - Amphitheater |
3:00 |
Andy Z Performs - Amphitheater |
4:00 |
Festival Play: The Great Huntress Atalanta and Her Many Suitors - Amphitheater |
4:15 |
Byzantine Chant Program - Meet at Church Entrance |
5:00 |
Festival Chorus & Orchestra - Amphitheater |
5:00 |
NEA ZOI Dance Group Performes* |
6:00 |
Fun Zone Closes |
7:30 |
THAVMA Dance Group Performs* |
7:30 |
PHILOTIMIA Dance Group Performs* |
10:00 |
Festival Closes |
* Dance lessons will generally follow dance group performances
Sunday |
Live Greek Music: Mythos Performs All Day at the Bandstand in the Plaka
All performances, except those noted are on the Plaka
All performances, except those noted are on the Plaka
Time |
Event |
Noon |
Festival Opens |
12:15 |
Cooking Demonstration with Helene Nemchik - Amphitheater |
12:40 |
Church Music Presentation Featuring Holy Cross Choir - Meet at Church Entrance |
1:30 |
Festival Play: The Great Huntress Atalanta and Her Many Suitors - Amphitheater |
3:00 |
Festival Play: The Great Huntress Atalanta and Her Many Suitors - Amphitheater |
4:00 |
Church Tour - Meet at the Church Entrance |
4:00 |
Festival Chorus & Orchestra - Amphitheater |
4:15 |
ASTERIA Dance Group Performs* |
4:30 |
LEVENDIA Dance Group Performs* |
5:30 |
5:45 |
PATRIDA Dance Group Performs* |
6:00 |
NEA ZOI Dance Group Performs* |
6:00 |
Fun Zone Closes |
7:30 |
PHILOTIMIA Dance Group Performs* |
7:30 |
THAVMA Dance Group Performs* |
10:00 |
Festival Closes |
* Dance lessons will generally follow dance group performances
Monday |
Live Greek Music: Mythos Performs All Day at the Bandstand in the Plaka
All performances, except those noted are on the Plaka
All performances, except those noted are on the Plaka
Time |
Event |
Noon |
Festival Opens |
12:30 |
Cooking Demonstration with Helene Nemchik - Amphitheater |
1:00 |
Andy Z Performs - Amphitheater |
2:00 |
Church Tour - Meet at the Church Entrance |
2:00 |
ASTERIA Dance Group Performs* |
2:15 |
LEVENDIA Dance Group Performs* |
2:30 |
Andy Z Performs - Amphitheater |
3:30 |
Festival Play: The Great Huntress Atalanta and Her Many Suitors - Amphitheater |
5:00 |
Church Tour - Meet at the Church Entrance |
5:15 |
Festival Play: The Great Huntress Atalanta and Her Many Suitors - Amphitheater |
6:00 |
Fun Zone Closes |
6:00 |
NEA ZOI Dance Group Performs* |
6:30 |
THAVMA Dance Group Performs* |
6:30 |
PHILOTIMIA Dance Group Performs* |
8:00 |
Festival Closes - See You for our 50th Anniversary Celebration In 2020! |
* Dance lessons will generally follow dance group performances
PET POLICY: No Pets Allowed. Only service dogs with proper documentation permitted.